Welcome to House of Bitters
House of Bitters creates uniquely flavored and balanced cocktail bitters.
Bitters are an integral part of any bartender’s arsenal. Even with just a few drops, these bitters pack a punch that adds an extra layer of complexity to any drink. We’re here to help you bring your favorite cocktail to the next level!

Cocktail Bitters.
The best bartenders know that the secret to an amazing cocktail is the magic that goes into it. Explore our unique cocktail bitters and elevate your cocktail to the next level.
Gluten free, non-GMO, all natural ingredient bitters.

CBD Cocktail Bitters.
Add 1 dropper to your favorite cocktail or drink and you’re on your way to turning the volume down on the chaos in your life juuuussst a little bit! Formulated with pure CBD isolate, it contains absolutely no THC. Colorado grown, gluten free, non-GMO, all natural ingredient bitters.