House of Bitters was inspired by a group of bartenders looking to push the boundaries of the cocktail bitters world. Our philosophy is to use unique, all natural ingredients that add depth and balance to cocktails. We do not use any chemicals, coloring or sweeteners in our bitters. All of our HOB Cocktail Bitters are gluten free and made with non gmo ingredients. All distilled spirits are sourced from a locally owned, small batch distillery.

We believe in making cocktail bitters that are environmentally and humanly friendly.

We thought a little Q & A’s would help. Here are some of our favorite questions & answers:

Q: Why did you start making cocktail bitters?


As bartenders, we LOVE bitters. You can change an entire flavor profile of a cocktail with just a few drops. However, we started looking at the ingredients in some of the bitters that we were using (and have been around for a very long time!) and saw some pretty nasty chemicals and colorings that were being added. We immediately thought, “we can do this better and all natural”.

Q: Why do yo use a dropper instead of a dasher?


How frustrating is it when you’re trying add a few dashes of a bitter to your drink and you end up adding too much! The addition rates are never exactly right. So, we evolved to a dropper style to ensure that we’re adding the right amount each time.

Q: What’s with the blue bottle?


We want to ensure that your bitters stay fresh for a very long time. Keeping your bitters in a blue bottle will eliminate damage from the light. Ingredients in clear bottles can get light struck and cause the flavors to change or taste dull.